Visio Alternative

Thousands of companies have upgraded to Lucidchart. It's a step up from Visio without the high price tag and steep learning curve.
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Easier to use

Lucidchart is significantly easier to use than Visio. There's no learning curve with Lucidchart's flowcharting software.

Create your diagrams with less time, fewer clicks, and no hassle. Anyone can diagram - get started now!

Visio Lucidchart

Sharing, chatting, and real-time collaborating

(without any additional products)


No downloads or updates

(allowing users to always have the most up-to-date version)

Visio import & export

(including Visio stencils)

half check check

Free licenses for lite users


Real-time collaboration

Work in real time on your diagrams with colleagues and clients, and avoid email attachment overload.

Lucidchart's revision history enables you to revert back to previous versions if you dislike recent changes.

Web-based software

Deployment across your organization is immediate and easy—no download or installation necessary.

All documents are saved across multiple data centers to make sure you never lose your valuable work.

Easy diagramming

Making diagrams shouldn’t be difficult. Lucidchart cuts through the learning curve to deliver a product that’s immediately accessible. Enjoy the advantages of themed layouts, customizable templates, drag-and-drop technology, and a clean, intuitive interface.

Visio compatible

Import a Visio file (.vdx, .vsd, or .vsdx) with the click of a button. Once it's uploaded, you can view the file and make your own edits with our easy-to-use tools. Users can even export docs to Visio format. We even offer a free Visio viewer Chrome extension!

Fully integrated

Our numerous integrations make Lucidchart the perfect solution for your team. If you are using Google Apps, you can integrate your domain with Lucidchart and organize your team from there. We also offer an easy-to-use team admin panel.

Simple sharing

Since Lucidchart is hosted on the web, sharing is that much easier. Try posting a funny flowchart on social media, or share a sensitive document securely through email. You can also download your diagrams in a variety of image formats for web sharing or printing.

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