Articles by Ty Lewis

If you ever need to write some code to read a source map, then you should probably start by trying to find a good library to do it for you. If for some reason you still need to write your own source map reader, then at some point you will…

The Angular 2 change detection system is somewhat of a black box: you update some variables in the model, and the components update automatically. Thoughtram, Victor Savkin, and other websites have written some excellent posts explaining change detection (which we reference in this post). Often, these posts present a series…

UPDATE 8-22-16: This post has been updated to use Angular 2 version 2.0.0-rc.5. It was originally written against the API provided by Angular 2 version 2.0.0-rc.4, but as Tom Nurkkala pointed out in the comments, the relevant API from version 2.0.0-rc.4 has been deprecated. UPDATE 9-24-16: A more succinct variation…