
Lucid’s company-wide Hackathon is a summer tradition. Three days of intense teamwork with the goal of producing creative, ambitious projects that could transform our products. For those three days, my team modified hundreds of stylesheets to implement custom theming, including Dark Mode. As a summer intern, here’s what I learned…

The growing complexity of websites and web applications has yielded several new approaches to structuring and maintaining style sheets. You may have heard of BEM, OOCSS, SMACSS, OrganicCSS, or Atomic CSS. We used the latter, Atomic CSS, to design our new golucid.co website. We’d like to share with you where…

Simple web applications can be built quickly, and the original source code sent to users’ browsers for use. While this allows for rapid prototyping and quick turnaround, it’s not a workable model in the long run for a number of reasons: