
Code reviews: Some love them, some hate them, but most probably see them as no better than a necessary evil. As a result, we often view them as a mundane task to check off the list–a final gatekeeper before our wonderful features or bug fixes can begin their journey into…

Coming in for an interview is the most intimidating part of the hiring process. In just three short hours, you have to answer questions, solve problems, and convince five or six interviewers that you are the person they need to hire. It starts with proper preparation, but even the most…

At Lucid Software, we collect thousands of applications and interview about 100 candidates each year for a variety of engineering roles. We have an interview team of roughly 12 engineers specializing in the six different parts of our interview process. With university recruiting season upon us, we sat down and…

We’ve all seen movies and heard stories about boisterous internships at large, established tech companies. All play; no work; food; parties; nerds—what more could an undergrad want? Unfortunately, all that hype can lead would-be interns to overlook smaller companies offering comparable, if not better, experiences. With that in mind, here…

I joined a rapidly-growing startup called Lucid Software (creator of Lucidchart and Lucidpress) in January 2013 after turning down a job offer from Microsoft. While I was grateful for the Microsoft offer, I wanted a job where there would be opportunities to move quickly into a leadership position. I love…