TL;DR: If you are considering using an alternative binary format in order to reduce the size of your persisted JSON, consider this: the final compressed size of the data has very little to do with the serialization method, and almost everything to do with the compression method. In our testing,…

Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of posts on diversity and inclusion in tech workplaces, coordinated by Lindsey Martin. Future posts will be able to be found at this link. She crouched low and pulled her hat over her eyes, afraid that someone would discover she was…

The Naive Approach to Using Angular’s Async Pipe When I was still fairly new to doing frontend development with TypeScript and Angular, I was tasked with building a component in Lucidchart that would show up conditionally. This seemed like a great opportunity to familiarize myself with Angular’s async pipe. The…

A tags component Last year, Lucidchart added many new features that enable users to attach metadata to their Lucidchart documents. One of the new types of document metadata is called custom tags. Custom tags functionality allows Lucidchart users to add arbitrary tag strings to their documents and to sort and…

Security at a start-up can be difficult in many different ways. These difficulties primarily come down to obtaining management buy-in and funding for something that can be seen as simply overhead costs. Risk analyses are a great way for everyone to understand the business a lot better from a practical…

If you ever need to write some code to read a source map, then you should probably start by trying to find a good library to do it for you. If for some reason you still need to write your own source map reader, then at some point you will…

Since the beginning of my internship at Lucid, I have had great experiences thanks to the great number of activities the company offers to all employees, including interns—we’ve been on hikes, a company retreat, and even a rodeo. One of my favorites, however, was Lucid’s hackathon. What is a Hackathon? Lucid’s…

In part one of this blog series, we covered the i18n process, and in part two we covered some language differences. In this concluding post, we will address some final items to keep in mind as you internationalize your software. A/B tests may perform differently in different regions and languages…