Behind the Scenes

At Lucid we want to monitor the health of our services both individually and in aggregate. Last month we worked on setting up a new downtime dashboard tool. We wanted the following functionality: a record of incidents containing the duration of downtime, the service(s) affected, and information about the cause…

In the information age that we live in, attention is one of the most precious resources a person has. Traditional advertisers, online companies, and device manufacturers fight hard for every millisecond  of a consumer’s attention. At a workplace, frequent distractions are one big productivity killer. On average, it takes 23…

At the beginning of this year, Lucidchart rebuilt its editor in Angular 2. The new editor delivered a better experience with far fewer lines of code. Both engineers and product managers enjoyed it because it made writing features easier. The old (left) and new (right) Lucidchart editor But, there was…

If you’ve ever scripted in Ruby before, you’ve more than likely encountered deeply nested arrays and hashes. These nested structures often come from Ruby’s JSON parser, but Ruby itself doesn’t have effective methods for dealing with them. Specifically, sorting these structures: the standard routine only shallow sorts the top layer…

Lucid Software validates every pull request for its internal code base. Running over 1000 builds a day across 80 projects strains the robustness of our code, tests, and tools. For example, several times a week, builds complained about the default Java version. It didn’t make much sense. Our servers are…

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) allows an enterprise to manage users across multiple cloud applications using a single interface. It might be helpful to think of it in terms of its original and more memorable acronym, Simple Cloud Identity Management. You ended up with this poor configuration accidentally. Where…

We’ve all been there. After hours or even days of tirelessly trying to narrow in on the cause of some small bug, you finally close in on a particular section. You know the problem is in there somewhere, but the code is spaghetti—an impossible-to-read, jumbled mess of logic that does…

We’ve all been there: your production system is running great and uptime has never been better. One Wednesday morning you wake up, enjoy a nice breakfast, and head off to work—when a few dreaded notes from your phone tell you that production has just gone down. You buckle the racing…

Uglier than a Windows backslash, odder than ===, more common than PHP, more unfortunate than CORS, more disappointing than Java generics, more inconsistent than XMLHttpRequest, more confusing than a C preprocessor, flakier than MongoDB, and more regrettable than UTF-16, the worst mistake in computer science was introduced in 1965. I…