angular 2

At the beginning of this year, Lucidchart rebuilt its editor in Angular 2. The new editor delivered a better experience with far fewer lines of code. Both engineers and product managers enjoyed it because it made writing features easier. The old (left) and new (right) Lucidchart editor But, there was…

UPDATE 8-22-16: This post has been updated to use Angular 2 version 2.0.0-rc.5. It was originally written against the API provided by Angular 2 version 2.0.0-rc.4, but as Tom Nurkkala pointed out in the comments, the relevant API from version 2.0.0-rc.4 has been deprecated. UPDATE 9-24-16: A more succinct variation…

Introduction: Angular 2 and Lucidchart Lucidchart launched in 2010 as one of the very first and most impressive graphical applications on the web. Over the course of several years, it has grown organically to include an incredible array of features. However, for many users it has become unwieldy over time,…