
Explore tips to maximize Lucidchart’s intelligent diagramming features so you can expertly visualize even the most complex ideas and get everyone on the same page (literally).

  • Code visualization: How to turn complex code into diagrams

    Code visualization bridges the gap between what you think your system looks like and what it actually looks like. Learn why you should visualize your coding systems, plus the best diagrams to use and tips for getting started.


    • Diagramming
    • IT and Engineering
  • How to build an account map

    Sales account maps help you get the most from your data by filling in the gaps and connecting the dots throughout the sales cycle. Learn how and why you should be using them. 

  • How to digitally walk the sales floor with actionable account maps

    Learn how to “digitally” walk your sales floor so you can manage deals at scale and stay up to date on the team’s progress.

  • Control chart: A key tool for ensuring quality and minimizing variation

    Use control charts to correct the variations that have a negative effect on your business. Learn more about control charts and get started with a template now.

  • How to Make a User Flow Diagram

    User flow diagrams can help you understand how users currently move through your website or app—or how they should—so you can get them to convert. Learn how to make a user flow diagram now.

  • [Free E-book] A Practical Guide to Business Analysis Techniques and Diagrams

    To help business analysts select problem-solving techniques with confidence, Lucidchart collaborated with Adaptive US Inc. to write an e-book called Leveraging Lucidchart for BA Techniques. Download your free copy now.

  • How to make a critical to quality tree

    Critical to quality trees can help your team deliver high-quality products. Find instructions and examples to create a CTQ tree.

  • Lucidchart introduces Smart Tables and Smart Fields

    Smart Fields and Smart Tables allow you to populate account and opportunity data from Salesforce in Lucidchart, instantly providing a high-level overview of individual accounts. Learn how these features work and how they can benefit your sales org.

  • Matrix diagrams: What they are and how to use them

    Matrix diagrams help project managers visualize and evaluate complex relationships so they can make better decisions and keep projects on track. Learn how to create your own (includes free matrix chart templates)!

  • Types of UML Diagrams

    Want to start using UML for technical documentation? This article will introduce (or give you a refresher) on the different UML diagram types, as well as provide UML examples that you can open and edit in Lucidchart.

  • 3 Tips for Wow-Worthy Diagrams

    Want to create diagrams that leave viewers in awe? In Lucidchart, it's simple to touch up your diagrams and make them wow-worthy. Just follow our tips involving the three C's: clarity, consistency, and contrast. Learn more!

  • Build ERDs automatically with our Salesforce schema import

    As you customize Salesforce for your organization, Lucidchart allows you to import your Salesforce schema and generate an ERD in seconds so you can visualize the best way to set up your CRM. See how it works.

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